Stop Messing Around with Your Web Page Design

Think of your website as a multifunctional marketing tool. Good, functional web page design will cater to the needs of the client. When designing your web page, keep in mind what information your potential customers are looking for and work outwards from there.

With so many options available, deciding on your web page design can be overwhelming. Maybe you’re caught in the weeds by focusing on color palette or font style. It is easy to get stuck by focusing on the little things. So…

Let us help.

A poorly designed website will perform poorly. We understand how important it is to find the right website design that represents your business. Your website should be both functional and attractive. Think of it like a first date with a potential customer. That first impression is either going to make that new customer bounce away quickly (lowering your SEO ranking) or have them stick around and explore, maybe even come back for a second and third date.

Choose typefaces that are legible and color palettes that can enhance user experience instead of hindering it with clashing colors or illegible fonts. While vibrant colors can be a ‘wow factor,’ these colors should be used sparingly so not to create an eyesore or fatigue. A well-done web page design will use white space and negative space effectively to give your website an uncluttered and modern look.


Image Change The Look Of Your Website


Remember that old adage that says “pictures speak a thousand words?” The same can be said for your web page design. Most consumers enjoy looking at infographics, videos, and high-def pictures. Creating fresh and informative infographics will encourage your customers to return again and again. Plus, pictures are easy to share! The more people sharing your content and buzzing about your website will create a natural interest in your company and the services provided.

Your web page design should be functional, too. When creating the layout or format of a web page, keep in mind what information your customer is looking for and how easy it is for them to navigate to that information. Typically, your customer should find the information they need in three clicks or less. That means do away with complicated menu trees or links within links and declutter those layouts to make navigation easier.

As always, a great web page design will be firmly rooted in good SEO practices. A website with fast load times, a mobile-friendly landing page, and quality content updates are the keys to SEO success. As with entertaining and informative infographs, lend yourself as the expert in your field and create a blog for your services. Not only will a blog help your potential customers learn more about you and the industry but they may pick up some hints and tips along the way.

Remember that a functioning website promotes your business which will increase customer traffic and satisfaction. So stop monkeying around with your web page design and let us help. Check out our web page design services or contact us for more information.

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